Monday, January 18, 2010

***sNoW dAyS***

Thatcher hasn't seen much snow in his life, but he saw a lot of it at Christmas. He loved it. He kept planting his nose into it. I think it must have bothered him that he couldn't smell as well as usual through the thick white stuff. Here are some of my favorite moments caught in the snow...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's been a while...

The Final Shot chosen for the Christmas card!

I got licked in this one.

It's been a while. I got tired of posting. Couldn't really thing of much to post. Not that we haven't done anything. We've done stuff. We had a good fall. I could have posted stuff, but just didn't. I think I've decided to devote the blog mainly to Thatcher. There are a several reasons for this. I wish I would have started when we first got him. It'll make for a nice documentary after all, in the very least. Second, I have to prove to my husband that he's not just a dog. He's a member of our family. Third, I enjoy writing about him and taking pictures of him. He's a funny guy.

We'll start with a review of our Christmas card this past year. I set up my brand new Canon camera Brandon bought me (yay!) and put it on continuous shooting mode to ensure we would get at least one good shot. Taking photos with a dog involved is tricky after all. We did finally get a legit shot worthy to send in the mail to all our friends and family, but the other shots cannot go undocumented. Roll the camera....

Thatch didnt' understand at first that he was supposed to face the camera. And, yes, I did get slobbered.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Headaches: Be Gone

So I've been having more headaches. I recently added another doctor I'm seeing for treatment to the list.

It's a nice family owned practice. The wife is the receptionist. I start filling out paperwork, etc. Then I lift up my clipboard to find a chocolate lab looking up at me wagging her tail. I was like "Ahh!" The receptionist was like, "Oh it's okay, it's our dog." I thought, "I'm liking this place already."

So I go in to see the doctor. I found the visit to be sort of like a magic show. Like magic- super cool and very enjoyable. I left feeling like, "okay I can do this. I can change my diet."

The big thing is water; hydration. Thus, I will no long be drinking coffee. This is sad. Very sad. I'm trying not to think about it, actually. I'm just trying to drink so much water that I'll be water-logged and unable to stomach any other drink. We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to School...

Back to school again for Brandon. He's been in the midst of preliminary tests for his PhD program; very excruciating. To make light of the situation, we took a "1st Day of School" photo of Thatcher. He looks so handsome and studious with the yellow backpack. He might have eaten it had we left it on him much longer.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Parents...

Due to popular demand, here are some pictures of the birthparents of the puppies.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hound puppies

The puppies are now a little over 3 weeks old. Just old enough to start getting in to mischief...