Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to School...

Back to school again for Brandon. He's been in the midst of preliminary tests for his PhD program; very excruciating. To make light of the situation, we took a "1st Day of School" photo of Thatcher. He looks so handsome and studious with the yellow backpack. He might have eaten it had we left it on him much longer.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Parents...

Due to popular demand, here are some pictures of the birthparents of the puppies.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hound puppies

The puppies are now a little over 3 weeks old. Just old enough to start getting in to mischief...

Thatcher being Thatcher

We love our silly hound dog.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

This month has been busy. We've traveled to two different weddings: Carly's and Courtney's. Both were extremely fun times. I will never forget being a part of the Flow family train at Courtney's reception. I'm pretty sure the Flow family were the only people dancing at the reception. Luckily the Flow family consists of around 40 people, otherwise I probably would have been moderately embarrassed. I'll work on posting a video.
Thatcher became a daddy. We now have a litter of 11 wrinkly bloodhound/coonhound puppies. Their interests include sniffing, playing keep-a-way, howing, and did I mention sniffing? How could you not want one of the precious little whipper snappers?